Friday, October 29, 2010

Dengue Fever by Aedes

I fall sick couple weeks ago, high fever, joints pain, lost of appetites, severe headache, swelling eyeballs, flu and cold. Nearly took my life but I survived it then huge rashes appear on my body and eventually I was hospitalized with suspect of Dengue Fever and I was seriously infected. When you are infected by Dengue, there are no medicine or antibiotic to fight it off because it is a virus and you will have to depend on immune system to fight it off and your immune system need energy and food to do so, so you will be on IV and wait. And every few hours doctor will take your blood sample for blood test and I might say I have lost quite an amount of blood during my stay.

But the rashes is what really killing me, it's so painful and so itchy and I couldn't even went to sleep. I will never forget that torturing itch but luckily there is some medicine for it but it didn't fully wear it off only lighten it and thanks to that I could at least sleep for some times.

I hope everyone would do their very best to exterminate Mosquito Aedes that carry Dengue Virus. There are some website teaching you how to make mosquito trap and they work like miracle, please just Google 'Mosquito Trap' for instruction.

Mosquito Aedes

Mosquito Aedes Life Cycle

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